Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy holidays

You've seen the Christmas videos, now it's time to look through some of my Christmas photos.

My holiday started off with a Christmas miracle: on the morning of the 23rd, I not only slept through the night, but I slept in until almost 8! That's the latest I've slept in two months! But the next day was even better, because that's when Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jessica and Uncle Ryan arrived for their visit. Then we all went to the children's mass for Christmas (they always went to midnight mass before I came along). Wow, it was packed! I didn't even get to sit with either set of grandparents. Next year we're going to have to go an hour early just to be able to sit together.

On Dec. 25, I didn't get a White Christmas, but I did get a bright Christmas: the weather was beautiful and sunny all day. And indoors, spirits were even brighter: everywhere I looked I saw pretty presents...and they were all for me!

I got lots and lots of great gifts from everyone, although my favorite presents came from Mom and Dad. They got me a Propel bottle, a cell phone and a cordless phone. Everything was so tasty!

I had so much fun with my relatives, and managed to spend quality time with all of them. I can't wait to see them all again!

These photos were just a brief sample of my mammoth photos from Christmas. If you want to see them all for yourself, click here to check out my Christmas photo album on Kodak Gallery.