At long last, I’m home! We got the green light from my hospital pediatrician yesterday morning, and once Mom and Dad figured out how to get me into the carseat/carrier, we left the hospital around 3. Babcia and Dido greeted us when we got home, with “It’s a Girl!” balloons. It was sweet. When they left, Mom and Dad seemed really scared to have me all to themselves, and having all the responsibility of changing, feeding and taking care of me. I was a little worried about them, so I made things (relatively) easy on them for the rest of the day.
I’ve just settled down for the night. I was nice and gave them a whole 3 hours of sleep! We made it through, and I’m still in one piece. Dad and Mom felt a little more prepared after watching all those Bringing Home Baby episodes, which follow new parents through their first 36 hours at home with their newborn, but I still don’t think they quite knew what I had in store for them. Thankfully for them, my needs are pretty simple: feed me, change me and swaddle me (Dad has quickly learned that calming me down and putting me to sleep is all about getting me into a snug swaddle). Do all that, and we’re cool. Forget even one of them, and I start testing out my vocal cords.
Apparently I’m a very loud sleeper. Mom and Dad kept checking on me because I was making all these strange noises: rapid breaths, grunts, and squeals. Dad says that sometimes, I sound like the troll in Cat’s Eye that’s trying to steal Drew Barrymore’s breath. I told Dad that I’m only a few days old and referencing a B-movie from 1985 is really confusing to me.
Mom and Dad are sleeping right now after I kept them up for much of the night, but they were very happy when the sun came up and the birds started chirping – it meant they made it through their first day with me. And if they made it through that, perhaps they’ll be okay after all. I could tell that Mom and Dad felt a lot better about taking care of me.
I think I’m going to like it here!