Before we visited Uncle Ryan's restaurant in Baltimore, Mom and Dad took me back to the Baltimore Aquarium, which I had loved so much during our last trip down there. I missed Uncle Ryan, who couldn't make it this time, but I had so much fun saying hi to all the fish, the dolphins and yes, the bubbles. This time was even better because I knew what colors all the fish were. And I even spotted my friend Nemo! (Another Disney character that I know all about without ever having seen his movie.)
Dad did most of the heavy lifting when I needed to get a close look at the fish, but when my energy started to flag, Mom was right there for cuddling.
See how I have my arms up her sleeves? That's my telltale sign that I'm tired. But I rallied for the dolphin show, and had enough energy to practice hanging from a bar like I do at Little Gym.
Here's a video of my return trip. While my reactions the last time largely boiled down to two words — "bubbles" and "fish" — I was much more animated this time around!
Next up: a return trip to the Please Touch Museum, so check back tomorrow!