I know, it’s been almost a week since I last wrote, and I can’t even blame computer troubles this time. Truth be told, my Dad has been too busy to help me out with my blog (you didn’t really think I typed this thing up myself, did you? Silly reader: I’m too young to type. I simply dictate to Dad, and then he types it up). Apparently he’s doing three different jobs at work this month, so I don’t get to see him much during the week. And because he’s only getting paid for one of those jobs, he spent his little free time at home writing a freelance assignment so, as he put it, he can pay for all my diapers.
So we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. First and foremost, I had my Baptism on Sunday. All the prep work and coddling from my parents paid off, because I was an absolute angel. I made Mom and Dad really proud. I slept through almost the whole ceremony, and didn’t make a peep when Fr. Jack poured the holy water on my head (though I did wake up at the end when everyone started applauding me. I appreciate the sentiment, but c’mon, some people are trying to sleep around here!).
Then we all went over to Palazzo Restaurant for a delicious reception. It was so wonderful to meet all those family members, including Aunt Paula (who was nice enough to stay over Sunday night with Grandpa and Grandma, so we could spend even more time together), and my cousins Abby and Sophia. I tried to spend time with everyone in between my bottles and naps, but I apologize if you felt slighted.
I was a bit overwhelmed with all the attention (even though I was laughing and smiling during the reception and before the ceremony).
I’m so excited to have Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ileana for my godparents. We’re going to have so much fun doing...well, doing whatever it is that we’ll be doing together. You can see a few Baptism photos here, but my Dad will be putting together a slideshow of the best photos, so look for that next week.
I got so many nice gifts from everyone; I was incredibly touched. Though I’m a little worried about my Dad, who kept looking at the checks I received and talking about all the stuff he wanted to buy with it. Mom said he was joking and assured me that of course it will all go to my college fund (whatever that is). Even so, I have my eye on you, Dad! So if you come home with a Blu-Ray player or a new camcorder, you’d better have a paper trail to prove where that money came from!
The day before the Baptism, I was also in church, spending my first mass outside of the cry room and in a regular pew with Mom and Dad. I wasn’t quite as good as I had been the past couple weeks, but Dad figured out that walking me over to look at the stained glass distracted me everytime I got fussy.
My baptism was big news, but something even bigger happened yesterday. I went to Dr. Buchalter for my monthly checkup, and before they gave me another vaccine (pretty sneaky, using a tiny needle so I wouldn’t feel a thing!), I got my latest measurements. I grew an inch, so now I’m up to 25 1/2 inches, but my new weight was a doozy: I jumped from 13.5 pounds all the way up to 16! Yowzer! Dr. Buchalter said there was no cause for alarm, and I’ll slow down eventually. I sure hope so, because at this pace I’ll need a crane to take me to my one-year checkup!
I’ve spent the week doing fun stuff with Mom (and after reverting back to form during the weekend and getting up a couple times each night, this week I resumed sleeping through the night again. I rock.). We went out to brunch with Babcia and Dido today, which was fun. Mom also gave me a Corolle doll, a gift from her friend Kirsten, who unfortunately couldn’t make the Baptism. It’s pretty much the best doll ever, and I’m completely captivated by her (she smells nice too, kind of like vanilla).
Grandpa was nice enough to write in for the second consecutive week, so here’s his newest Ask Julia question:
You have so many beautiful bibs. Wouldn't they make lovely (& functional) fashion accessories?
Are you trying to tell me something after seeing all the drooling I was doing last weekend? You’re probably right – it’s about time for me to start wearing bibs to catch all my drool, which pretty much dribbles out nonstop these days. It’s getting to the point where Mom, tired of mopping me up with the spitcloth, is cutting out the middle man and just having me gnaw right on the spitcloth.
I should wrap this up, because I have to help Mom and Dad get ready for our big trip this weekend. They’re taking me out to the country for the first time, as we’ll be spending the weekend with the Kuzyk family (including Isabella, my best friend).
It should be lots of fun, though my Dad is already dreading having to take down (and put up and take down and put up) the Pack N Play, which he said gave him the most trouble of all the baby stuff he had to assemble. Mom says that I’m supposed to watch Isabella for pointers on enjoying the Baby Bjorn and Bumbo; meanwhile, I’m supposed to teach Isabella to sleep through the night. Sounds like a work weekend to me; I just want to have fun!
I hope you do the same. Talk to you again next week, But before you go, why not send me a question?