What a fun weekend I had! Mom and Dad took me on my first trip to the country. We visited my friend Isabella, along with her brother Alec and their parents Vera and Andrey, at their family home in Narrowsburg, N.Y. (right over the Pa. border). As great as the visit was, getting there and back was another story. I was not happy with spending time on all those narrow windy roads, as I much prefer when we’re driving on long stretches of highway. I made sure to wait until the car was on a 12-mile windy stretch of road with no place to pull off before I started wailing for my bottle.
Once we got there, however, I was all smiles. For someone who loves looking at trees like I do, I was in heaven! There was so much to take in (indoors too: the house had plenty of ceiling fans). Dad said there were two deer grazing right outside my window. Mom and Dad were nice enough to bring many comforts from home — my Pack n Play, my rocker, etc. — so I felt right at home. I was so content that I even let my parents eat together during all their meals (I was either sleeping or playing in my rocker), which I know they really appreciated. Unfortunately it was too cold to go out on the raft, but we still got to do a bunch of great stuff. We took a couple trips down to the lake, and went into town for a little shopping.
I spent lots of quality time with my pal Isabella. It’s hard to believe from the photos, but she’s three months older than I am. (Yes, I’m bigger than she is, but I don’t have a complex about it … yet.) When we were traveling around town in our matching Baby Bjorns, everyone kept asking if we were twins. We were also cooing at the same time to one another, which our parents thought was very cute. Little did they know that we were actually plotting our big escape, although we have to table those plans until at least one of us learns how to crawl.
Now that I’m officially supporting my neck fulltime, I spent much of the weekend getting comfortable with the new items I’m now allowed to use. First and foremost, I finally can spend time in my Bumbo, which keeps me seated upright (although it’s a bit harder for larger babies like myself). Then I got used to facing forward in the Baby Bjorn, which I haven’t liked doing for more than a few minutes at a time until now. But I warmed up to it and have been staying in there for as much as an hour now. Finally, my parents experimented with having me face forward in my baby stroller (instead of snapping my baby carrier onto it, which causes me to face backward and watch them as they push). I did okay with that, but I think I’ll stay in my baby carrier for a couple more weeks.
Mom took me for another first today: my first trip inside a toy store. She showed me a few Sesame Street characters to see who I responded to. And the winner is…not Elmo (much to my parents’ delight), but Grover! I just could not stop cooing at him. That should make Dad very happy, as he always says that Grover was unfairly elbowed out of the spotlight when Elmo came on the scene. Hopefully Mom got the hint and will get me a Grover of my very own before long.
As I promised last week, my Dad put together a slideshow of our favorite photos from my Baptism, from both the ceremony and the reception. I even agreed to let him include a few photos of people other than myself! Hope you like the photos.
If you want to take a closer look at any of the Baptism photos, you can find them here. I’ll be back later this week to go through my Ask Julia mailbag…provided of course that you actually send me a question. See you then!