I've been to some fun birthday parties in my time, but this one takes the cake! My pal Audrey turned 3 last week and she invited me out to Long Island to attend her birthday party. Get this: it was at a place called Wood Kingdom, which sells backyard playground equipment, and they have a whole room with tons of slides and bouncy castles. It's like they could read my mind or something!
Even before the party officially started, I was running around having fun in the "model" area, where they actually sell the playground equipment. I even bumped into Elmo, who was entertaining at the birthday party right before Audrey's.
Then it was finally time for the official party. I had fun on all the slides, but my favorite by far was the slide that was part of one of the inflatable castles, so it combined two of my loves. I went down so fast...what a thrill!
Roller coasters, here I come! Then it was time for pizza and cake. How did they know exactly what I wanted to eat?
The pictures are great, but to truly appreciate what a great day I have, you have to see me in action. And look for cameos by Audrey, her brother Carl and a friend of ours named Nemo!
Thanks so much Audrey for inviting me! Mom and Dad: the bar has officially been raised. I can't wait to see what big events you come up with for my birthday in May (and no, the arrival of my little brother doesn't count!).