Finally, we’re back in business! For those of you who were going into blog withdrawal this past week, believe me, it was just as rough on this end. I have a good excuse for going MIA this past week: uploading last week’s posting was the final straw for my overworked laptop. Between all the photos Mom and Dad have been taking, and all of my blogging, we used up every last bit of space on the hard drive, so Dad had to take the laptop in to get a new, improved and much bigger hard drive. Dad says that now we have so much extra space, he’ll try to upload some video of yours truly very soon.
But first things first: he’s got another photo slideshow to complete...because I turned two months old on Wednesday!
It was a pretty low-key birthday for me. Babcia and Dido are still in Ukraine, so they obviously weren’t around, and Dad was late at work again (as he was all week). But Mom and I got along just fine all week. I made sure to nap for a couple hours each day to give her a breather. We went for lots of walks, and we constantly talk to each other (I fall asleep as she’s talking to me sometimes, but I’m not sure if she notices).
Not much else to report. I’m getting really close to being able to support my head, and I’m starting to drool a lot (especially when I’m shoving my fist into my mouth), so I’m keeping Mom and Dad busy trying to mop up all my saliva.
I’m looking forward to spending the weekend with Dad after not really seeing much of him this week. Even our time together last weekend was short, because Dad was doing something called “weekend duty” for his work. Apparently this weekend was much quieter than the last time he had weekend duty in the spring, which apparently was so traumatic that he still twitches a bit anytime anyone brings up Katie Couric’s name (I asked him what happened, but he told me I’m too young to understand). Still, he was busy for a few hours each day, so we’ve got lots of quality time to make up for this weekend.
As you can see, I donned my first Yale outfit this week (thanks, Babcia!) In another first, on Saturday Mom and Dad took my to church for the first time (not counting the baptism class I went to when I was six days old). They headed straight for the cry room, just to be safe, but I was a perfect angel for the whole mass. In fact, I was by far the best behaved baby in there!
Tomorrow is another big first: my first trip to New York City. I’ve been practicing my cursing (it sounds just like all my other cooing, so people think I’m just being cute. Little do they know!) and giving people the finger all week, so I should be all set.
That’s it for now. Hopefully I’ll be back later in the weekend with a new slideshow for you to enjoy.