As promised in my last, long-delayed posting, now that our laptop’s hard drive has some much-needed extra breathing room, my Dad has put together a new photo slideshow to celebrate my second-month birthday. There are lots of fun, adorable photos in here (c’mon, would you expect anything less from me?). So we hope you enjoy this collection of our favorite photos from my second month.
Yesterday I took my first trip into New York City, as Mom and Dad visited with their friends Russ, Lisa, Eric and Sara. It was exciting, but very hot and humid. We strolled around the Upper West Side (Mom and Dad even showed me their old apartment, and were trying to figure out how they would have survived carrying me and all my stuff up and down four flights of stairs all the time). Then we went into Central Park.
I usually enjoy looking at all the trees (especially when I go for walks with Mom and Dad), but it was so hot and humid that I – and everyone else for that matter – eventually opted to go back and hang out in Eric and Sara’s air-conditioned apartment. Still, it was a terrific first trip into Manhattan, and I look forward to going there many more times.
One other big development over the weekend: at long last, and much to my parents’ dismay, my thumb finally found its way into my mouth, and now I’m sucking away!
That’s it for now. Remember, if you want me to post again later in the week, you’d better send along a few Ask Julia questions (my mailbox was once again gathering cobwebs last week).