Happy birthday Grandpa! Mom, Dad and I went down to visit him over the holiday weekend to help him celebrate his BIG birthday. It was my first trip down there since May, way back before I could even walk, so I had a lot to catch up on. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jess was also there and couldn't believe how much I've changed over the summer: running around, babbling up a storm, feeding myself, etc.
As an added bonus, I got to run around in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard. Like Babcia and Dido, Grandpa takes really nice care of his landscaping (since my grandparents are so skilled at that, how are Mom and Dad so awful at it?). Here I am having fun outside with Mom.
When it was finally time to leave on Sunday, I said "Bye Grandma!" as we were going out to the car. I think I made Grandma's year!