Happy Tax Day! I'm sure that Dad is glad he finished our taxes up before I started destroying all the paper around the house, because I could have had lots of fun with all those forms. I'm feeling a little bit better today, and the faucet that is my nose is down to a slow trickle. I'm also well enough to remember that I neglected to answer Aunt Paula's Ask Julia questions from last weekend.
How many teeth do you have now? I bet you can't wait till you get to eat the different foods that you can chew.
You said it! As you can see from the photo above, I'm teething as much as ever and checking out my future food options. But the tooth count is only at two, so far. Dad confirmed the one on top a week and a half ago. He learned that when he turns me upside down, I open my mouth in delight, giving him an unobstructed view of my gums. Also, I haven't liked many of the newest baby foods I've been introduced to, like spaghetti and cheese. Mom says she thinks I'll change my tune, so we'll see.
You sure look like you have a fun time at bath time. You sure have alot of toys to keep you occupied. Do you like getting your hair washed? You weren't drinking bath water were you?
Well, I don't not like getting my hair washed, let's put it that way. As long as it doesn't interfere with my splashtime, it doesn't bother me. And it's kind of nice getting my head rubbed, which Mom does when she's putting on the shampoo. But sometimes when Mom is rinsing my hair out—even though she's super-careful—some water trickles into my eyes. And no, I wasn't drinking bathwater, don't worry. Though I do enjoy taking a washcloth, submerging it in the bathwater, then taking it out and noisily sucking on it. Mom makes the funniest scrunched-up face when she sees that!
I like your new play house. I really like the door bell. What is your favorite part of the house?
That's easy: the radio! I press the buttons to turn it on and hop along to the music. If I ever see Dad again, I'll ask him to take a video of it.
Thanks Aunt Paula. As always, I'm happy to get your questions, so please send me some more!