Even after I opened all of Santa's gifts, there was plenty of other stuff for me under the tree (I think a few gifts were for the rest of the family too, but this blog isn't about them!). Here's just a sampling of the cool stuff I got:
My friends Audrey and Carl got me a Corolle doll that you can take into the tub. I love the doll but that day I really loved the floaties. I spent much of the morning trying to get them on my own arms, but they were too small!
Bobbi and Dido got me a baby stroller, which was the perfect thing for my new doll!
Aunt Ileana got me a camera, so now Dad won't be the only one taking a bunch of photos.
Here's a video of me opening some of those gifts. Watch me spring to life when I get a look at that stroller!
There were two other super-terrific gifts I want to mention. The first came from Grandma and Grandma, who must have been inspired by my trips to the children's museums, because they got me some delicious (fake) food...
And a shopping cart for me to put it all in!
Take a look at me eating and grocery shopping:
The other perfect gift came from Uncle Ryan, who bought me a Cozy Coupe just like the one Audrey and Carl have!
Thanks Uncle Ryan!
And here's a video of me and my personal chauffeur:
That's it—finally!—for all my Christmas gifts, but there are still more Christmas photos and videos to share. Have a good weekend, and we'll try to finish this holiday wrapup before next Christmas rolls around!