1) Learn to walk. Check!
2) Learn to talk. 2-for-2!
3) Learn to stalk. (as in, follow Mom and Dad around incessantly) Hat trick!
4) Hide the nasal aspirator, so Mom and Dad can't use it on me anymore. I didn't hide it per say, but Mom and Dad don't use it on me any more, so I'm crossing this one off as well.
5) Get the ball rolling on teething. Enough is enough already! Now I've got teeth aplenty!
6) Put something new in my mouth every day. I don't know about every day, but between all the foods I tasted this year and everything else I try to munch on, I'm sure I put 366 (don't forget, it was a leap year) new things in my mouth last year.
7) Finally get my hands on Dad's Blackberry. Another success! I even found an iPhone to play around with, so I get bonus points!
8) Continue to have one stranger each day tell Mom, Dad, Babcia or Dido how adorable/cute/beautiful/well-behaved/happy I am. Again, this is something that happens almost daily if not actually every day. Another win in my book. Nothing can stop me now!
9) No more shots! D'oh! As if I don't have enough reasons to hate those shots at the doctor's office, they have to go ahead and ruin my perfect game.
10) Keep Mom and Dad on their toes all year long. Dad more than Mom, but yes, I certainly did that.
So I ended up going 9-for-10 on my 2008 resolutions, which is a better percentage than just about anyone else in the world. Let's see how I can do for 2009:
1) Become more self-sufficient. I'm starting to play more on my own and take care of myself, so I'd like to do more of that in the new year. For example, I just figured out how to rummage around in the fridge on my own.
Where was I? Oh yeah, back to the resolutions:
2) Learn to jump. I'm oh-so-close but I haven't quite figured out how to actually have my feet leave the ground yet.
3) Say goodbye to my diapers. Enough is enough. I'm tired of having someone always change me. What do I have to do to get out of those things?
4) Say goodbye to my crib. When I'm in bed with Mom and Dad, I can just get out on my own when I'm ready to run around. But when I'm in my crib, I need someone to lift me out. I have to figure out how to ditch that thing.
5) Say goodbye to my pipa (pacifier). Wait a minute, what? I did NOT write that. Dad wrote that! No fair!
6) Get the people at Red Robin to clap-clap-clap for me on my birthday. I'm obsessed with this when we go there.
7) Continue to be as adorable as I can. I know this one doesn't require much work but I needed a few gimmees.
8) Make the "terrible twos" not-so-terrible. By the way, I reserve the right to complete this one by making the months leading up to age 2 so bad, that in comparison things get much better when I'm 2. Hey, whatever it takes....
9) Find out why Mom and Dad keep asking me if I want a brother. What's up with that?
And most importantly.
10) Be a good sister, whatever that means. (I think I have to figure our #9 before I do this one, though.)
Now I'm hoping that you all resolve to have a good weekend. See you back next week for lots of new videos that I promise have nothing to do with the holidays.