We've gotten a LOT of snow here over the last couple weeks, so Mom and Dad took me sledding on the big hill at the park around the corner (no more dinky little hills for me this year!). How did it go? Take a look (and don't miss the sledder who makes a beeline for me right in the beginning):
So I pulled the same "home!" thing on Dad a month ago. He carried me all the way there, dodging all the dangerous ice, and then after two trips down the hill I wanted to go back home. At least this time he was smart enough to drive us there! Even though I threw in the towel quickly, I had a lot of fun out there with Mom and Dad.
And with that, another week comes to a close. I turn the big 2-0 on Sunday (20 months, that is), so I'll see you back here next week, older and wiser!