My boyfriend wrote in with an Ask Julia question. Take it away, Alec:
Hi! Mommy and I were reading your blog yesterday when I noticed the heading: Julia's Baby Blog. You're not a baby anymore! You've been a toddler for months now.
That's a very good point, Alec. And I would probably change the name if I didn't think there were going to be some much bigger changes to the blog a few months down the line (probably around the time I get to the bottom of this "baby brother" business). So I'm keeping the Baby Blog title for now. And besides, Toddler Blog doesn't have the same ring to it!
I should clarify what I wrote above about my "boyfriend." I'm not really referring to Alec as a person; it's more that Christmas photo of him and Isabella that I still swoon over, and need to know the whereabouts at all times. Mom says that he's like my imaginary friend, or more accurately my version of the doll or stuffed animal that little kids insist on dragging along with them everywhere. I also enjoy playing peekaboo with him, which you'll see in this video (which also contains a look at the kind of playing—and whining—I've been up to lately).