Mmmmmmm! By the end of the party, I think I turned everyone into a Tinga fan. They all raved about how good the food was. I told you so!
But the Mexican theme didn't stop there. There were also maracas for all the kids to color. I had fun coloring two or three (or ten) of them.
One recurring theme of the day for me was seeing how many of my friends I could get to push me on my little play swing. I got Audrey...
..and Isabella...
...and a couple more as well (you'll have to check out the video to see who else). Thanks guys!
In addition to the delicious food from Tinga, I also had not one but two yummy birthday cakes:
A big thank you to the cake provider, Alec and Isabella's mom Vera, who owns a pair of Häagen-Dazs ice cream shops in the city (so if you're ever on 114th and Broadway, or 64th and 1st, be sure to give her some business!).
And before the party ended, Mom and Dad brought out a Sesame Street pinata so everyone could try and get the treats out of it.
I got a little weepy when I saw all the candy spill out, because I thought something had gone wrong, but I liked playing with some of the prizes once I got my hands on them!
So that was my party. If you liked the pictures, you'll really enjoy the video:
Wasn't that fun! Thanks to everyone who came and made the party so terrific, and I can't wait for the next one!