Mom and Dad have been telling me for awhile now that I was going to be having a baby brother "soon," but I didn't realize they meant this soon! This morning at 8:25 a.m., my baby brother Henry Joseph was born, two weeks before his due date. He weighed 8 lbs. (less than me) and measured 20 1/4 inches (more than me). And just like me, he arrived on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. How weird is that?
I got to meet my baby brother, though Dad says I cried more during my hospital visit than Henry did. He's awfully adorable, and I liked waving to him and watching him (and I think he liked watching me too!). I was a little disturbed when I first walked into the room and saw Mom on a hospital bed, with nurses I didn't know and a baby I didn't know, but Dad walked me around the maternity wing and helped me relax (the cute Anne Geddes baby pictures on the walls did the trick too).
There will be lots of photos in the days and weeks to come, but for now, take a look at this video of some of the highlights from Henry's first day.