You might have noticed that none of my pictures were viewable on the blog earlier today. For once, Dad's computer wasn't to blame! One of the few drawbacks of using a site like Blogger is that every once in a awhile, the site goes completely or partially down, which means everybody's blogs are affected. Sometimes they're completely inaccessible; today the photos pulled a disappearing act. Happily, everything now seems back to normal.
So I'm putting my best foot forward, kind of like I did over the weekend when I took my first steps...with a little help from Dad, who held my arms. It will be another couple months before I'm walking on my own, but this was a big (albeit wobbly) step in that direction. Take a look for yourself:
As if that weren't impressive enough, I learned how to do something else over the weekend, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that news.