No sooner was I celebrating the fact that I finally remained healthy over a holiday, than Mom and Dad took me for the second part of my flu shot on Dec. 26. And once again, I had a bad reaction to it and wasn't myself for the next day or so. If you recall, when I got the first part of the flu shot the day before Thanksgiving, I got a fever and was out of sorts all Turkey Day long. This time around, I avoided a fever but my nose got stuffed up immediately, and again was acting un-Julia-like all day on the 27th. Too bad for Dad, who was home with me all to himself and bore the brunt of my frowny-face behavior. It wasn't a great day for either of us, but I'm happy to say that I recuperated by the 28th and was back to my old self. I'm still recovering from the congestion, but I'm almost as good as new. And Friday was much better with Dad! We took some walks outside and even settled down for a long winter's nap.
Aunt Paula wrote in with a few year-end questions, and also asked about all my Christmas photos:
I did not see many pictures of you with your Aunt Jessica. What is with that? Are you playing with all your new toys? Are you going out for a New Years celebration? Your Grandma, Uncle Dan, and I used to bang pots and pans at midnight. Do you have plans for ringing in the New Year?
I did spent time with Aunt Jessica, but I guess Mom and Dad never had their camera on hand. They took so many pictures of me opening my gifts that their shutter-fingers needed a break during the rest of the holiday.
I'm playing with some of my new toys, but not all of them. Some toys I got are still a little too advanced for me; as for the others, Mom and Dad want to parcel them out slowly so I always have something new to play with.
I'll be spending New Year's Eve with Babcia and Dido. Mom and Dad are ditching me to have dinner with friends in the city, but they'll be back before midnight (Dad has to work on New Year's Day).
I'll be back to ring in the new year with a host of new videos. Enjoy your celebrations!