When we were in Connecticut last weekend, Mom took me by her old house (which she said was Babcia and Dido's old house too). She said she has a lot of wonderful memories there, but I don't think that's true, because none of them involve me!
I've got lots of Ask Julia questions to answer this week. First up is Audrey, whom I saw last weekend and again today:
Thank you for including me on your blog again. I like to look at myself almost as much as watching you interact with the Sesame characters on your island adventure. (My mom had to permanently bookmark the Beaches part of your blog, since I request it almost daily.) During your visit to my grammy’s house, my mom noticed you whipped your head around excitedly anytime my mom used Ukrainian words she knew, while speaking to your mom. You really seem to respond positively to Ukrainian. It’s either that or you were just surprised my mother knew any Ukrainian words. Do you feel you have a language preference at this point in your life?
I was shocked that your mom knew those words, because I thought only Mom, Babcia, Dido, and my friend Isabella's family knew them. I don't have a preference between English and Ukrainian — I like them both. And most importantly, I understand them both. So everyone is happy.
Speaking of Isabella, she's up next:
My mom just read your blog to me...the one about the scooters. I'm so glad that you like them because they're my favorite! Alec and I have been riding my Mom's and Dad's (why on earth would parents have such things...I bet they don't even know how to ride them!) Next time you come over, we'll ride.
We'll be back from vacation the same week that you're back. Want to play in the park?
Let's do it! We can steal each other's food again!
I heard you were going to Wildwood for a week. Enjoy the beach! Are you going surfing?
No surfing for me, but I hope that one day Mom takes me to the same Surf Diva class she went to several years ago with some friends in San Diego.
And finally, my Aunt Paula chimed in with a couple questions:
You are really good on the scooter. How did you learn to use your one foot to move the scooter along?
I have no idea. It was just instinct. Kind of like when I threw Mom's leather sandal in the bathtub the other week. No one taught me to do it, it was something I decided to do on my own.
You sure like cauliflower. I have to admit that that is probably the last veggie (next to lima beans) that I like. Have you got to taste chocolate yet? That is my favorite.
My Mom hates cauliflower too. And I don't think she'll ever forgive me for forcing her to eat broccoli for nine months while she was pregnant with me. I tasted chocolate for the first time ever today, when Mom gave me a piece of Carvel ice cream cake. I was in love from the first bite, and ate the whole slice!
I understand that you will be going to Wildwood? I sure that you will have fun.
I sure am! I'm going Monday, and I heard a rumor that I might see you (along with Grandma and Grandpa) one of the days I'm down there. I sure hope so!
That's it. No need to send in Ask Julia questions over the next week, because I still have lots of videos to catch you guys up on, especially the ones from my second trip to Sesame Street. And don't worry, because even though I'll be down the Shore starting on Monday, I'm putting together a few posts before I go so there will be plenty to see.