This week has really gotten away from me! I'll chalk it up to my elongated sleep schedule this week. For the first few days, I was logging over 11 (and one night, almost 12) hours of sleep. So that's left me with less hours in the day to blog.
So let's get back to it. Last Sunday, Mom and Dad let me play in my backyard pool. And in a daring move, they followed Babcia and Dido's lead and skipped my swim diapers, meaning that I wasn't wearing anything under my swimsuit.
Well I quickly showed them, and went poo in my swimsuit. Mom and Dad watched me crouch over and make a familiar face, then it looked like I had a little tail. It was fun watching them whisk me into the house. I don't think they'll make that mistake again!
But then I was back out, with a new swimsuit. Here's a video of the day, showing both my pre-poo and post-poo outfits.
I still have some Ask Julia questions to tackle before we get too far into the weekend, so I'll try to post those early tomorrow.