I had a busy weekend, and will tell you all about it, but first I have to catch you up on what happened last weekend. I went out to Long Island to visit Audrey (whom I had just seen in Connecticut a week earlier) and her family. Her dad was nice enough to bring out Audrey's huge dollhouse so the two of us could play with it. Then I had a great time loading up her baby doll stroller.
There were so many fun things to do at Audrey's, like go on the see-saw and slide in the backyard and play with their dog.
To give you an idea of what a busy bee I was, here's a long tracking shot (director Brian De Palma would be proud) of my adventures around the house. There's no edits or cuts in this video - just one uninterrupted shot of me on the go (as Audrey and her brother Carl clown around for the camera)!
Thanks for being such a great host, Audrey, and I hope we have another playdate soon!