What would a birthday party be without birthday cake? And I had a lot to live up to, because I promised in my invitation that I would be wearing my birthday cake. Well I'm not one to make a promise that I can't keep...
After being inspired by my cousin Sophia's first birthday a few years ago, Mom baked me a tiny birthday cake of my very own. After everyone sang to me, I made a wish and blew out the candle (I wished that I could walk...and it came true the very next day!). Mom put the cake in front of me and let me go to town:
I was in an really good mood all day (and all weekend, in fact). I clowned around with anyone and everyone. Here I am with Babcia.
I also posed for a photo shoot with my photographer cousin Marissa. To show off a bit for everyone, I kept standing upright for a really long time.
Everyone was very impressed. Listen to everyone sigh as I start to drift down...and cheer when I pop back up!
Then it was back into the tunnels for more fun.
Those tunnels were a great birthday gift, Mom and Dad. And speaking of gifts, check back tomorrow for the third and final chapter in my birthday saga, featuring my presents!