I can't wait for tomorrow, and not just because we're going to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Before that, Mom, Dad and I will be going to the second week of our Music Together class. We had such a great time last Saturday! It's a mixed-age class, and I was the youngest by far, but I was simply captivated by watching everyone, and dancing and tapping along to the music with Mom and Dad. In fact, I was having such a great time that I forgot I had skipped my morning nap and by all rights should have been whining and sobbing myself silly. Instead, I was full of energy and had a blast. I don't think Mom and Dad realized how much I'd enjoy myself, and how much fun they'd have as well. Plus they gave us egg-shaped maracas and scarves to play with (but then they made us give them back—what's up with that?).
To top it off, Mom bought me a few baby musical instruments from the toy store in town. I must say, I play—and eat—a mean drum!
As I mentioned, I'll be spending the long weekend visiting Grandma and Grandpa, so I'll won't be checking in until I'm back home. Hope you all have a great weekend!